Thursday, July 16, 2009

Set the World on Fire

Tonight we had our Bible study (which was awesome by the way) and we went on a prayer walk too... it was great... Thank You Lord!

Aunt Jenny showed me this song...

And I like it very much... I want this... I want to set the world on fire for You, Lord... I am small but You are big, I am weak but You are strong enough to take my dreams and give them wings... with You there's nothing I can't do... Help this to be a generation that glorifies You...

I want to be one of those out spreading the Word of God, sharing it with those that have never heard... but I don't always know what to say or do... so when my chacne comes to tell them I pray I take it and don't back down... I don't want the lights to go down, I don't want my fire to burn out... I want to take this life and this chacne to change the world... I don't want to be afread to stand up and stand out... I want to give people a reason to believe... I want to help find the lost...

Today was a good day and I am looking forward to whatever comes next... God Bless You All

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